Supporting experimental medicine and early phase research
We support the delivery of early translational and experimental medicine research, from studies testing new treatments in patients for the very first time through to early safety and efficacy clinical trials.
Our Facility
We provide dedicated purpose-built facilities and expertise for the delivery of these high-intensity studies.
The NIHR Bristol CRF provides a space for patients and volunteers from our local population to take part in studies, set apart from the busy hospital setting, safely and to the very highest standards.
We provide purpose-built facilities and expertise for the delivery of early-phase trials and experimental medicine research.
Patient & Public Involvement and Engagement
We want to make sure that patients and the public are involved and engaged in our research work. This is because we believe that it will help us do research which is more relevant, better designed and with clearer outcomes.
Industry & Partners
We support commercial partners by providing the expertise and facilities to enable rapid translation of research into clinical practice.
The NIHR CRFs have an expanded remit to support skills and workforce development, to grow expertise in delivering early translational and experimental medicine studies. This remit covers both people who lead and design trials and people in the essential supporting roles that deliver the research on the ground.